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Writer Portfolio



A pleasant waft of wind gently kissing your face. The cold water trickling down your throat on a hot summer's day. The first bite of juicy heaven on your cheat day. Your beloved's lingering kiss, brimming with promises, on your forehead. These small moments of joy in life bless us with an escape from the chaos of the world. And, my escape from the reality starts when I sit in front of my laptop, stare at the blank page and the cursor mocking me for a good amount of time, before I end my procrastination by bleeding my heart and burying my soul into my writing. 

For me, writing is not a mere act of stringing words together to make a beautiful sentence.

Writing is my life, my art. 

Through my writing, I tell stories not only for pleasure but to give a voice to topics that people usually squirm to even discuss about. Welcome to my website where, for the first time ever, after overcoming a lot of insecurities, I present all my stories at one place. 

Please feel free to contact me regarding my stories and any information you may seek.


A Queer Tale is my first independent book. This story is special to me because with it, I hope to let many people, out there in the world, know that it's okay to be you. You're amazing the way you are, and through the story, I try to shed light on the importance of being true to ourselves and letting it go, no matter how scary. There's no way the universe would steer you wrong if you are true to yourself and always listen to your heart. 

Something Queer,

Something Beautiful,

But Always BeYou.

A Queer Tale by Mrigakhi Das

If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.




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