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Noah was lying in bed in a dark room, the black shadows engulfing him in their embrace. Something rushed through his body, making him feel sick, but he closed his fists and took a few deep breaths. As the demon inside him passed through him, making lesser chaos than usual, Noah buried his head deeper into his pillow and shutting his eyes tight, let out a sigh of relief. As he felt his heart rate returning to normal, his wife’s face came before his eyes, smiling ever so softly at him.

Noah’s lips turned upward when his thoughts were graced by his wife’s face. As Noah opened his eyes, staring into nothingness of the room, his mind went back to the time when he first met his wife, Amanda. The day his eyes laid on Amanda, his life changed forever. Noah, the seducer of women, lost his heart to Amanda the moment she looked up at him and gave a shy smile towards him. Lover of beauty, it was the first time, he was left awe-struck by someone's allure. And, once they got to know each other, he knew she was the one for him.

Noah’s eyes were brimming with unshed tears, his heart clenching tightly in his chest. Thinking back to the past memories, a knife twisted deep in his heart as he couldn’t make any more memories with the love of his life. The demon inside him, took everything he had, took his desire to live. But the demon couldn’t capture or change his heart, the love that he held so dearly for his wife, Amanda.

Noah immediately squinted his eyes when the room was suddenly flooded with bright light. But as he felt a presence beside him, he turned his head and looked at her, with a small smile dancing on his lips. As she placed her soft hands in his, his heart skipped a beat. Looking deeply into his wife’s eyes, he couldn’t believe the effect she still had on him. The tingling sensation he felt rushing down his spine every time he felt her gentle touch, the only thing he could feel. The quickening of his heart rate every time she smiled at him, showing off her dimples. And, the amazing feeling of losing into the wonders of her enchanting eyes.

As they both stared at each other, not uttering a single word and just basking in the silence around them, Noah saw the girl he fell so deeply in love with. As he saw the tears of sorrow pool in her eyes, he knew that she had made a decision. Noah beckoned her to come closer. Leaning forward, Amanda’s heart fluttered and tears rolled down her cheeks when her husband pressed his lips against her forehead.

Amanda gave a long kiss on his lips, cherishing him forever. As she pulled back to stare into his soft eyes, Noah had a peaceful smile on his lips. Looking into the eyes of the woman he was still so deeply in love with, he gave a nod to his wife after telling her that he loved her, always and forever.

Tears rushing down her cheeks and heart breaking into pieces, Amanda pulled out the plug, finally respecting his wishes, and ending his suffering.

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