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A Letter To My Bhaiyaa

Updated: Jan 3

The melancholic rhythms of my heart singing a song of woe to the aches of my mind. The melodies of sadness, however, must stay apart, for that was a day of excitement and apprehension, unfortunately though demons never stayed behind.

Rohit Panchal.

A stranger I was lucky to find, to call my artist. His studio, a safe place; his skills, a breathtaking talent. The moment I talked to him; I knew I chose the right person for we both were enthusiasts of Tattoos. Right off the gate, with his charming confidence, I was put at ease when I went to consult with him for my first tattoo.

Lying down on the chair I thought I would never see, We both got ready for my first tattoo ever. Letting my guards down, I floated over the dreamy sea; As he continued his work, his talent flowing freely through the ink, not once making an error.

My first tattoo was for someone special, someone close to my heart. And the artist didn’t disappoint me whence the tattoo was done. Any words I write fall short on how incredibly talented Rohit Panchal is. But above all, he is the epitome of humbleness and dedication. I’ve not met a person who’s so in love with his work, with his art. And it shows for all the tattoos he had ever inked have been nothing less than a masterpiece.

I write this dedication not just to an artist I once met anymore, but to someone I consider my brother. Within a short span of time, he has become my brother, my family. I also write with 38 tattoos inked on my body and I am exceedingly proud to say that all of them have been done by my brother and not once has he let me down.

Dear Bhaiyaa (brother),

Thank you so much for not only trying but succeeding in making all my dream ideas into beautiful tattoos. No matter how small or how big my tattoos are, each one of them is close to my heart not only because of the meaning they hold, but also because they’ve been created and inked by you. If you look and listen close to all my tattoos, they are thanking you for breathing life into them. This is a small letter from my heart to let you know how grateful I consider myself for finding the right tattoo artist who inevitably has become my brother.

I have sung praises of you and your talents to everyone I’ve come across who have shown even the slightest bit of interest into tattoos, and I’ll continue to do so for a hardworking and dedicated artist and man like you need to be celebrated and known by all.

Thank you for never settling on any of my tattoos and for always providing me with the very best. I’ll see you soon. Your sister and biggest fan, Mrigakhi.

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Jun 15, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Very beautiful tribute to your artist. So heartfelt ♥️

Mrigakhi Das
Mrigakhi Das
Jun 15, 2023
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Aww thank you♥️

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