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Next Life

You’re akin to the oxygen I need to stay alive. The force that made my heart to revive. The whole universe beats within your soul, And you, the bright light, shone through my blackhole. How can I breathe without you? For my soul abhors the thought of someone new.

A huge mistake I’ve made, I’m aware. But your words have made my existence a nightmare. I came back to you with a hope for a chance, But your words threw me into a painful, swirling trance. You don’t want us anymore, your feelings uttered. I respected your feelings, with a soul completely ruptured.

Apologies fall short and feels fake, For the hurt I’ve caused you. I was struggling within too, my feelings numb and so vague. I understand what you went through, But I still came back, didn’t I? To tackle our problems, and with you I wanted to fly.

Now my wings are severed, And I lay there in a pool of my agony, smothered. Was I so awful to you, my darling? That you left me with words so shocking? Thought we were soulmates, But friendship is what you want, what you chose. How can we ever be friends when that mere thought my heart hates? I am simply existing, a word I’ve come to despise, in my sorrows.

Hurt we both have been a million times. Not once did I spew those venomous words. I know we can’t help our feelings sometimes, But it’s true words are mightier than swords. This poem isn’t to highlight anyone’s fault, For I have mine a plenty. It's just a few words out of my vault, Where my heart is locked away, and my mind in a frenzy.

I wish I showed you more, How much your presence meant to me. To kiss you gently, and let you draw; Draw me into your heart and mingle your soul with mine. To assure you, only with you I’m happy and most free.

Hurt has consumed us both, perhaps you more. For I’ve left you all alone on a shore. Not wanting us anymore is your right; I wish I could hold you tight and let us melt into the night. But the damage has been done. And I’ve lost you all too soon.

Goodbye my love, maybe we’ll be lucky in the next life.

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