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Broken Promises


A new year had begun; The sun brushed the blank canvas With strokes of beauty and brightness. The moon smiled at her beloved, Basking in his glory a little bit longer before She had to leave.

A new year had begun; Perhaps she could write new chapters To her book; hopefully enhancing Its charm with fresh experiences and lasting memories. But her year began with a boom. With a pow of breathlessness and plenty Of hurt.

Merely the second day Of the first month. ‘Stead of laughter and love, She was gifted with a break-up. A dissolution of her relationship with her beloved. With the person her heart beat for. For her love.

She was guilty too; she wasn’t gullible. In fact she was Wrapped with a blanket of flaws And errors that shone stunningly on her chest. She, however, was left out of breath; Her lungs failing to operate when needed the most. Her soul abandoning, throat embracing her instead, Choking her.

She did it again. Hand unwavering, ready. And again. Legs spread wide. And again. Breasts stuck out. And again, breaking all her promises. Again.

Fading in.

The knife, tight under her fingers. The chaotic mind unable to hide its excitement. Equipped for the pain to come. For the relief to flow through. Drew the knife closer to her body; Her mind, almost fainting in apprehension. Her heart steeling; her soul. . . Oh her poor soul! Shattering into pieces.

Deep and clean; The first cut sent a rush through her body. The mind exhaling in ecstasy, Embracing the orgasm. Second cut decided the momentum, The slices became faster, haphazard. Deeper and faster. Deeper and faster. Another wave of pleasure soared through her, The moment the knife hit A brand new spot.

Droplets of blood patterned the floor; Her laugh echoing loudly. Blood, blood everywhere. Blood, blood everywhere. Her mind danced to the gushing of the red liquid. In a trance, her fingers caressed the blood; Painting it across her neck and chest. Blood, blood everywhere. Blood, blood everywhere. Her eyes, melancholy as ever, stared at the redness. Her throat emitted soulless laughter. A high her mind never wanted to come down from. So it made her do it again. And again.

She drew lines Of her suffering and misery in new places. Places no one will ever set eyes on. It was her secret; Her own secret of pain and pleasure. Pain and pleasure. Pain and pleas- Pain an- Pain.

Fading out.

The sun was smiling again, The birds were singing their song. She was up and about. A skeleton with a black heart. A mind spreading its poison through her veins. Last night was her euphoria. Today, a fiery hell.

Again she stumbled and fell. But for the love of God, Yet again, she soldiered on. With her newest battle Scars.

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