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Breaking Rules

Scrolling. Eyes rolling.


Smiling warmly.


Laughing out in the ugliest manner possible.


Back to eyes rolling.


But something caught her eyes and she stopped dead in her tracks. Before those orbs of sharp blues was a photoshoot of a woman, a plus-size woman. The first thing that got registered in her brain was that the woman was naked, with her arms enveloping her breast. Her privates remained hidden under layers of folds. Rolls of skin fell off her body and those blue eyes finally landed on the face of the woman. A smile, so wide, was spread across her face, and eyes twinkling like the brightest star on a lonely night. She looked at the camera, unabashedly and proudly displaying her curves.

Curvy. Plus-size. Full-figured. Beautiful.

Those were the words that were used under the model’s photo. And all she could do was stare, with a smile slowly creeping onto her own lips and eyes pooling with tears. She finally looked down at her own roll or what others called a big tire running across her mid-drift. She looked at her breasts which she was so thoroughly ashamed of for being so huge. For making her feel like they were weighing down on her. She looked back at the glowing woman on her phone and she couldn’t bring herself to call the woman alluring or drop-dead gorgeous, even though her heart and soul were dying to.

But her mind stood there as an obstacle, with a sign that read FAT all over it.

That night, she stood before her mirror completely nude allowing her hands to run gently over her body. Her hands roaming freely, caressing her arches, her crescents and she finally understood why they were named curves. That night, she began to do something she never imagined was possible.

She broke all the rules by starting to fall in love with herself.

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