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What's Your Emergency?

Kate (Phone Operator): 911, what's your emergency?

Keith: Hey, sweety. How's it going?

Kate (Phone Operator): I'm at work and you're disturbing me.

Keith: Oh, don't lie to me, babe. You love it when I pop by to bother you.

_____________ The operator shook her head, and smiled to herself. _______________________

Kate (Phone Operator): So, what's up, Keith?

Keith: Rolling my eyes at my boyfriend. He's being a drama queen.

Kate (Phone Operator): Haha, what did he do again?

Kate (Phone Operator): I am sorry, honey, but someone is on line. I will put you on hold, okay?

Keith: I can't hold that long. I will call you later.

Kate (Phone Operator): Okay, thanks babe.

Kate (Phone Operator): 911, what's your emergency?

___________________________ There was heavy breathing. ______________________________

Kate (Phone Operator): Hello? Is someone there? Please talk to me.

____________________________ Silence. Only heavy breathing. __________________________

Samantha: H-Hello?

_______________________________ A shaky voice replied. ______________________________

Kate (Phone Operator): Yes, I am here. What's your emergency?

_______________________________________ Silence __________________________________

Kate (Phone Operator): Hello? Can you hear me?

________________________ My colleague looked at me with worry. ________________________

Linda (Phone Operator 2): Is everything okay?

Kate (Phone Operator): I don't know yet.

Samantha: Hello?

__________________________ Samantha's voice was more confident now ___________________

Kate (Phone Operator): Yes, hello! Are you okay, ma'am?

Samantha: I don't know.

Kate (Phone Operator): Okay, I want you to take a deep breath. Can you do that for me, ma'am?

Samantha: Y-Yes.

____________________________ Samantha drew in a deep breath. ________________________

Kate (Phone Operator): Good. That's good.

Kate (Phone Operator): What's your name, ma'am?

Samantha: Samantha.

Kate (Phone Operator): Hello, Samantha. I am Kate and I will help you through anything you need. Okay?

Samantha: Okay. Thank you.

Kate (Phone Operator): How old are you, Samantha?

Samantha: Fifteen.

Kate (Phone Operator): Okay. Now, Samantha, I would like for you to tell me what happened, honey. Okay?

Samantha: There is blood. So much blood.

________________________________ Kate closed her eyes. _______________________________

Kate (Phone Operator): It's okay, darling. Take a deep breath and tell me exactly what happened. Can you do that for me, Samantha?

Samantha: Yes.

_______________________ Samantha's voice broke and she started sobbing. _________________

________________ Kate went numb for a few seconds. But she snapped out of it. ______________

Kate (Phone Operator): Are you alone, Samantha?

Samantha: Yes, I am.

Kate (Phone Operator): Where are your parents, sweetie?

__________________________________ Silence. ______________________________________

Samantha: They are dead.

_________________________ Kate paused for a second, closing her eyes. ____________________

Kate (Phone Operator): I am so sorry, dear. Who lives with you?

Samantha: My cousin and his boyfriend.

Kate (Phone Operator): Okay that's good. Now, Samantha, tell me what happened?

Samantha: I was watching TV and my cousin was out.

Samantha: I went to the kitchen to make some popcorn. When I went to the living room, I don't know. Something happened to me.

______________________________ Samantha's voice shook. ______________________________

Kate (Phone Operator): It's okay, sweetie. Take your time.

Samantha: It was like the sharpest knife in the kitchen was whispering my name. I slowly went towards it, and ran my finger over the shinny part until I reached the tip and a drop of blood trickled down my hand.

Samantha: Are you there? You're so quiet.

____________________________ Samantha started crying. _______________________________

Kate (Phone Operator): It's okay.

Samantha: I grabbed the knife and pouncing on my cousin's boyfriend, I stabbed him.

Samantha: I kept stabbing him.

Samantha: Once.

Samantha: Twice.

Samantha: Until I lost count.

________________ When Kate opened her eyes, she saw Keith looking at her. _________________

Kate (Phone Operator): What are you doing at my job, Keith?

Keith: You're not at your job, Kate.

Kate (Phone Operator): Of course, I am. What are you talking about? I just had a call from a fifteen year old girl. I was talking to her about how she stabbed her cousin's boyfriend.

Keith: That was you, Kate. And he was my boyfriend.

____________ Kate looked at her cousin in shock. Keith was trying not to cry. ________________

Kate (Phone Operator): Why are you saying that, Keith? You think I am lying but I am telling you the truth. You can ask Linda there. Linda, tell him!

______ But when Kate turned to look at her colleague, no one was there but an empty chair. _____

Kate (Phone Operator): I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's happening.

_____________ Kate started to rock back and forth on the floor, hitting her head. _____________

_____ Keith sat beside his cousin and took Kate in his arms. He sighed as he looked around the ___ glass room. He could hear the screams of other patients, but nothing that cut so deep in his heart than hearing his cousin's.

Keith: It's okay, babe. It's okay.

Keith: You were only fifteen.

Keith: And I forgave you a long time ago.

____________________________ All Kate did was cry in his arms _________________________

Keith: It's okay. It's all okay.

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