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Sam: Hey, are you guys there?

Tony: Of course!

Lucy: Where would we go, dude?

Tina: What's up, Sam?

Sam: Did you see the guy Meg is going out with?

Tony: We're not blind, you know?

Lucy: Yeah, what about him?

Tina: Is everything okay, Sam?

Sam: Don't you think something is wrong with him?

Tony: Like what? Too good looking?

Lucy: He is a hot piece of meat, isn't he?

Tina: Lucy!!

Lucy: What? Even you can't deny how sexy that man is, T!

Tina: Well. . . .

Sam: You too, Tina?

Tina: Why, what's bothering you, Sam?

Sam: Meg is not behaving normally. She is trusting him too soon.

Tony: Now that you mention it, it seems odd how she is acting.

Lucy: Could it be cause of the hunk she is with?!

Tina: What do you think we should do, Sam?

Sam: He's obviously a bad influence on Meg. She is not asking the questions she usually does.

Tony: So, shall we start out usual thing? Lucy: Tony


Sam: We have to do it, Tina. There's no other way. It's for her. Do it for her?

Tina: For her? Anything.

Tony: Alright! Ready you guys?

Sam: Ready!

Lucy: You bet your ass I am!!

Tina: Ready

___________________ Meg clutched her head she felt a sudden pain ________________________

Meg: Oh no, not again!

Meg: No, please, guys! Stop!!

Meg: I really like him, please stop!

_____________________________ The pain intensified __________________________________

____________________ And Meg was changing, ever so rapidly. __________________________

Sam: Does he really love you? Or is he using you just for sex?

Lucy: You should look at his texts. Go to his phone. Do it. That's how you will know if he is loyal to you.

____ Meg tried to stop herself, but she was already reaching for her new boyfriend's phone ______ while he slept.

______ Meg was surprised to see so many of his contacts were females and they were all ________ flirtatious with him.

Sam: See, he is no good.

Tina: He is using you, Meg. Using you!

___________________ There were no texts from women. Only work related. ________________

____ But Meg began sobbing while she was bubbling with anger and paranoia about her new ____

boyfriend was cheating on her.

Tony: Now, go to the living room and check his wallet.

____________________________ Meg was holding his wallet now. ________________________

Tina: He wasn't that rich. Then why was he carrying so much money with?

Lucy: He was planning to spend money on you and the others.

Tony: The others!

Sam: The others!

Tina: He has no shame!! None at all.

____ His wallet don't have a lot of money, just a couple of dollar bills and a credit card. ________

With a photo of his mother.

Sam: Who is she?

Lucy: She is a beautiful woman.

Meg: That's his mother!

Tina: How can you be sure?

Meg: He told me so. Why would he lie to me about his mother?

Tony: Look at her mother. From which angle does she look old enough to be his mother?

_________________________ He has a point, Meg thought to herself. _______________________

Sam: And they don't look alike. Not one bit.

__________________________ Another good point, Meg admitted. _________________________

________________________ Her new boyfriend, Ryan, was adopted. _______________________

__________________ Paranoia started to grip tightly around Meg's throat. __________________ It was working. Their technique was working. Again.

Sam: You know what to do, Meg.

Tony: That's right. You have to do it right now.

Lucy: Before it's too late.

Tina: Do it and be free.

Sam: Do it!

Tony: Do it!

Lucy: Do it!

Tina: Do it!

__________________________ Meg stayed calm. They were right. __________________________

Meg: Do it.

Meg: Do it

Meg: Do it

Meg: Do it

_________ Meg walked to her closet and brought out the knife she hid in a safe. _______________

Meg: I am sorry, Ryan.

____ Ryan stirred in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes. He gave a small smile when he saw ____

Meg standing near him.

_______________ But his smile vanished as soon as he saw a sharp knife in her hand. __________

Meg: I am sorry, Ryan, but you shouldn't have lied.

______ Before Ryan could utter a single word, the knife was plunged right into his neck. ________

Sam: Well done!

Tony: Beautifully done.

Lucy: Bravo!!

Tina: Now you're free. We all are.

_____________ With a wicked smile on her face, Meg went to take a shower. ________________

_________________________ The voices in her head won again. __________________________

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