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This Is What I Do

God: I think it's time to test their relationship.

_________________________ The universe rolled her eyes ________________________________

Universe: Don't you have something better to do?

God: No, not really.

________ God shrugged, and with a wicked smirk on His face, he snapped his fingers. _________

Correctional Officer: Only fifteen minutes. I repeat only FIFTEEN MINUTES.

_____________________ Janice scoffed under her breath. _______________________________

____ Her frown disappeared and a huge grin flashed on her face as she saw her boyfriend ______ on the other side of the glass.

Clive: Hey baby!

______________________ Clive's voice was soft through the phone _______________________

____ Janice pressed her palm against the glass, smiling through her tears when Clive pressed ____ his on hers.

Janice: Clive. Oh darling, I miss you so much!!

Clive: I miss you and you can't imagine how much.

Clive: I reach for you every night, only yo sleep with a heartache. I wake up every morning thinking about what you might be going through. I long for you and your touch every second.

Janice: Oh, my darling. . . .

_____ Janice ran her hand on the glass as if she was caressing Clive's cheek, ever so tenderly _____

Janice: I miss how your touch curls my toes. I miss how your smile wakes up the butterflies in my stomach. I miss how your love ignites a fire within my soul.

Janice: I am sorry, my darling. It's all my fault that we are in this mess.

Clive: No, it's not. Don't say that.

Janice: But it's the truth.

Clive: No, stop.

Clive: We needed the money. I was there too. They let me go because they had nothing on me. I had dumped all the money into the trash can. But you. . . .My sweet Janice, you sacrificed your life so that I won't have to go to jail.

__________ All Janice did was close her eyes as tears rolled freely down her cheeks. ___________

Universe: Why are you doing this?

God: This is what I do.

Universe: What? Act like a sadist?

____________________ God didn't feel the need to explain Himself to her. ___________________

Universe: Fine, be like that!

Universe: All you did was give me the best challenge ever.

God: Did I? Do tell.

Universe: All you have to do is wait and watch.

Clive: Look at me, my love.

__________________________ Janice wiped away her tears ______________________________

Clive: There's no way in hell that I would let you rot away in prison for something we both were responsible.

Janice: What are you saying, Clive??

__________________________ A smirk appeared on Clive's face ___________________________

__________________ Janice knew he already had a plan up his sleeve. ______________________

Janice: Oh, what did you do?

Clive: It's not what I did, it's what we are going to do, baby!

___________________________ Janice stared at him in confusion __________________________

Clive: Do you trust me?

Janice: You know I do.

Clive: Do you love me?

Janice: More than life itself.

_______________________________ Clive's smile widened _______________________________

Clive: I am going to get you out of prison, baby.

___________ He didn't say those words over the phone, but through sign language. ____________

Janice: No, are you crazy??

Clive: Isn't that why you fell in love with me in the first place?

_________________________________ Janice laughed __________________________________

Janice: Oh you bastard, I did. I really did!

Janice: So what's the plan?

God: Oh, you're good. But do you really think they will win when they're fighting against me?

Universe: Just wait and watch.

____ God made sure Clive and Janice faced a curve ball at every step of the way. Janice made ___ some important friends inside the prison, while Clive worked his charm on the outside world.

God: I have to admit I am quite impressed by how relentless they are.

Universe: Oh, you have seen nothing yet.

________ With an elaborate well-thought plan, Clive was able to get Janice out of prison. _______ For good.

_______ Sitting at a beach house in Bali, they clunked their glasses against each other's ________ and smiled.

Clive: I love you more than you can imagine.

Janice: I love you more than life itself.

God: Well, how did this happen? I am God! How did they beat me!?

Universe: Don't you get it? It's not about them beating you in a game they are not even aware of. Yes, you're Almighty. You're the wise on who can do nothing wrong.

___________________ The universe rolled her eyes. God curbed His smile. ___________________

Universe: It's about their determination to do what they truly want. It's about their passion about each other. But most importantly, it's about their love. Each and everyone's love story is unique and thus, beautiful. But a love story like theirs resonates into the world because no matter how much you tortured them, they never once gave up on each other and their love.

___________________________________ God smiled ____________________________________

Universe: And when someone puts their heart, their everything, in really wanting something, all the universe, aka me, conspires to helping them to achieve it.

God: Well, I-I am sorry. You're right. Thank you for teaching me something so beautiful.

Universe: So, will you stop being so tough on humans now?

_____________________________________ God laughed ________________________________

God: If I stopped doing my job, how will you help humans?

______________________________ Universe was stunned. _______________________________

Universe: All along, you knew. . . .

God: Told you, this is what I do.

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