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The Gift

Rick slid behind the wheel, placing the gift that he had brought for his wife's birthday, on the passenger seat. He took a deep breath and plastering a smile on his face, Rick started the car and made his way towards his home, his wife. Stepping into the house, Rick called out for his lovely wife, Katherine. Rick and Katherine had been married for ten years and they prided themselves for being the best couple in their suburb.

When Rick didn't receive any response from his wife, his brows immediately knitted together in worry. He knelt down the moment his daughter came running towards him, into his open arms.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.

"It's mommy, daddy!" Emma, his daughter, buried her face into her father's arms. "She has locked herself into the room. I am worried." Rick's heart ached, listening to his daughter's voice crack.

Running a soothing hand over Emma's back, Eric let out a small smile. "There's nothing to be worried about, love. Daddy is here." Emma let out a nod. "You go to your room. I will go talk to your mother, alright?" Nodding, Emma threw her arms around Rick's neck before running into her room.

Rick quickly climbed the stairs towards their bedroom, still holding the gift in his hand. He called out to his wife but still no response. Remembering that they had keys for all the rooms, Rick rushed back down and rummaging through all the drawers, he climbed back upstairs once he found the key. Opening the door, his heart leapt out of his chest when his eyes fell on his wife, plopped on the floor with papers scattered all around her. But that was not what made him stop dead in his tracks. It was the tears that were rolling down his wife's cheeks. Kneeling beside his wife, Rick scooped her in his arms.

"Kate, are you okay? Our daughter is out of her mind worrying about you. So am I." He pulled Kate away from him to look into her eyes.

"The trash can vomited." Katherine left those words hanging in the air. Rick stared at his wife, with confused and worried eyes.

"I am sorry, love, but I don't understand what you mean." His wife's eyes travelled towards the papers that were scattered around her. When he followed her gaze, he realized that they weren't just any papers. They were letters. His private letters.

"I found these in the trash can, Rick." Her voice was laced with pain and shock. Rick knew that he should open his mouth to explain to his wife. But he couldn't deny the fact that he had written those letters to his lover, now discovered by his wife. And he couldn't change the fact that he was gay.

"I am so sorry, Kate." Rick started. "You've every right to hate me. I loathe myself for not being the husband you deserve and for not loving you the way you're suppose to be loved." He lowered his eyes, ashamed.

He let out a gasp when she cupped his face between her hands. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Rick. You've loved and treated me the way every man is supposed to treat a woman: with respect." She made circles on his cheeks. "I don't hate you, never will. But I am sorry that you couldn't live the life you are supposed to live. I am sorry that you have to live a lie all these years and never follow your heart. And I am sorry that you had to live with a person you're not happy with."

Rick's brows closed in together. "Are you kidding me? You are my best friend and I love you. That will never change, my love. And you gave me the greatest gift of all: our daughter." Katherine rested her forehead against his. Cupping his face, she gave her husband a long kiss on his lips.

"Rick?" He nodded. Katherine looked deeply and lovingly into his eyes. Her heart breaking with the words that are about to leave her mouth, but she had made her decision. "I want you to let me go now."

And Rick took Katherine in his arms; tears rolling down both of their cheeks. Giving a long kiss on her forehead, Rick couldn't believe that he would be the one to get the best gift of his life on his wife's birthday.

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