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That Night

“I am so sorry.”

Andrew’s voice was laced with regret. He extended his hand towards his wife, Katherine. Her eyes trailed down to his hand and then back to his face. Andrew’s eyes were shinning with sincerity. Katherine felt herself giving in all over again. Taking a few steps towards her husband, Katherine placed her hand in his and let out a giggle when he pulled her towards his body. Andrew cupped Katherine’s cheek and looked deeply into her eyes, a small smile lingering on his lips. “I love you.” His arms tightened around her waist.

Katherine lowered her head as a blush rose to her cheeks. Andrew cupped her chin between his fingers and lifted her face. The coyness of his wife sent shivers of pleasure down his spine. With the pad of his thumb, Andrew made small circles on her cheek, ever so gently. Katherine’s eyes finally met Andrew’s, and letting out a heart-warming smile, Katherine parted her lips. “I love you more.” As relief rushed through his body, Andrew pulled her face closer and bridged the gap between their lips. The kiss was like a feather against her lips, so soft and gentle. But as his arms tightened further around her body, he deepened the kiss, taking her breath away.

While she melted into her husband’s arms, a sudden harsh lip bite made her instantly pull away as she felt the metallic taste of blood linger on her lower lip. Oh my, Katherine thought to herself as she immediately lowered her head. She knew how much her husband hated it when she would abruptly pull away or stop themselves when they were engaging themselves, physically. As Katherine dared to glance up at her husband, she knew what was going to happen to her. The same thing that happened every day and night. Katherine gasped when Andrew grabbed her arm, too tight to leave a bruise behind.

“I am sorry, Andrew. I didn’t mean to pull away. I was hurt.”

Andrew didn’t respond back. But his eyes gave away his feelings: anger and disappointment swam in his brown eyes. As Katherine staggered back when she received a hard blow against her cheek, she knew that that night was going to be different. After all, she was carrying a child in her womb and she wouldn’t let anyone hurt her or her baby.

Not anymore.

While Andrew showered slaps right and left against her face, Katherine suffered silently. But when Andrew reached out for her hand, to drag her to their bedroom to punish her, Andrew’s sudden scream filled the silence of their huge house. Eyes depicting his utter shock and mouth hanging low, Andrew backed away as his glance fell to the place where his wife stabbed him: she had aimed for his heart. As he finally fell on the floor, his body shook while his hand tried to stop the bleeding. But the stab was fatal and deep.

Katherine walked over his body and dragging a chair from the dinner table, she placed the chair right in front of her husband’s body that writhed before her eyes. Plopping herself down in the chair, Katherine propped up her left leg over her right and watched her husband die.

As he breathed his last, Katherine got up from the chair and walked over to the dead body that laid in the middle of the living room. Crouching down, Katherine looked at her husband’s face. A face as beautiful as an angel, a heart as dark as the devil’s. Katherine reached her hand out and ran her knuckles across his cheek. “I always did love you more.” Katherine whispered as her eyes never left her husband’s face. Katherine loved her husband; after all she finally freed her husband from himself.

Bidding her farewell to her husband, she padded towards the bedroom. After taking a quick shower, she slid into the covers. That night at home, she was going to sleep in a huge bed alone and peacefully, without her monster by her side.

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