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Poor But Happy

A boy from the slum, his parents made sure he studied among the best students in one of the best schools.

Parents ate just one meal a day.

The boy had seen it all. How the rich lived, how they partied, and how they treated people below their status. Some were his true friends; some slapped his status on his face every single day.

Time to go to college.

His parents knew they couldn't afford to send him to college, but they didn't care. For their son, they were going to do everything.

Their son smiled fondly at them.

"I am not going to college," said he. "Not yet."

He took up four jobs, along with the duty of looking after his family.

He had seen it all. How the rich lived. He looked up at the sky and thanked the heavens for blessing him with the life he had.

For, he was happy, with his family, in his life.

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