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Andy: Hello

________ Matt just nodded his head politely _________

Andy: Are you going yo Manchester yourself, good Sir?

Matt: Yes. Yes, I am.

________ Andy kept waiting. Matt finally gave in ________

Matt: What takes you there, Sir?

_________ Andy smiled wickedly ____________________

Andy: I will tell you if you join me as well.

Matt: I beg your pardon?

Andy: I have a proposition for you, and I have a feeling you will be good at it.

Matt: What makes you say that?

Andy: I just have a feeling.

Matt: That's not much of an answer now, is it?

_________ Andy leaned closer. Matt frowned. __________

Andy: Do come closer if you wish for an answer.

_______ Despite his better judgement, Matt found _______ himself leaning towards the sinister man

Andy: I want you to join me for a killing spree.

________ Matt jerked back in his bust seat ____________

________ No one said anything _____________________

________ Matt leaned forward again _________________

Matt: I am sorry I thought you said "killing" spree?

Andy: You heard right, Sir.

Matt: Does that mean what I think it is?

Andy: What do you think it means?

Matt: Are you suggesting that I join you in killing people?


Andy: No one is ever innocent.

Matt: You're clearly insane. But before I walk away from you, why did you choose me?

__________ Andy's smiled grew _______________

Andy: Because I know you.

Matt: No, that's not possible. You don't even know my name.

Andy: Perhaps, but I know you.

Andy: I know the hunger that lies behind your eyes. The craving that keeps you up all night.

Matt: I-I don't understand.

Andy: I see the same fire, the same urge to kill in your eyes.

Matt: I don't know what you're talking about!!

Andy: Have you never had urges to wring someone's neck?

___________ Silence _______________________

Andy: Have you never imagined what it feels to run a sharp blade over someone's skin before gutting them?

_________ More silence ___________________

Andy: Have you ever been with a woman and never wanted to wrap your hands around her neck? Squeeze harder and harder until she can't breathe anymore?

_________ Matt takes in a sharp breath ______

Andy: Tell me I am wrong.

____ A slow smile appeared on Matt's face ____

Matt: When do we start?

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