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One Day

To my favorite reader,

As I sit by to write this letter, a smile lingers on my lips. As I let my thoughts wander, it’s funny how we find ourselves opening up to strangers: people we have never met or even had an inkling about their existence. But then paths get crossed and something new and beautiful is created. That’s how I feel when I think about you, about our new-found friendship. I admit that I was shocked when I found myself opening up to the idea of entertaining someone whom I have never met in person. I have always been iffy about making friends online, but then, you came along.

Like many other readers that I have exchanged words with, I thought that we would do exactly that: only exchange a few words with each other and that would be it. But soon, I began to receive a message from you, every single day. And soon enough, I found myself waiting for your messages, for, talking to you became easy, almost like a natural habit. I don’t know if it was my loneliness that drew me to you, but I would like to think that it was because we had more in common than I ever had with my friends.

As we have passed over a month getting to know each other, it was refreshing to talk to someone who understood me, who had the patience to talk about themselves as well as lend their ears as I vent out my feelings and daily frustrations. I always find myself overwhelmed whenever you leave a compliment on my stories, saying how much you like them. And while I tend to strongly disagree with you, you encourage and motivate me in ways no one ever has. Because of the “positive vibes” you send my way, every day, I end up trying something I hardly ever used to do: I start to believe in myself.

While you help me, just by being there whenever I am having a bad day or when I am moody because I have deliberately deprived myself of sleep (you know what I am talking about), I hope to be a pillar for you, in your life, just like you have in mine. We have known each other for not so long, but I can gladly admit that I am lucky that I slid into your DM with a thank you message.

So, my confession to you, my stranger-turned-friend, is that while I still don’t have the patience or ability to tolerate human beings, you’re one of the few out of many that I actually like and can be my true self with. And for that, I am grateful that I found you.


Someone who would like to meet you, one day.

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