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The glass that she was holding in her hands slipped out of her hands, hitting the floor and scattering into a million of tiny bits. Just for a moment, she stood there, completely numb and horrified to her very core. But as the realization dawned on her that her husband collapsed on the floor, she ran towards him, all the while dialling for help.

While she rested her forehead on top of their joined hands, shunned into a tired slumber, Liam opened his eyes. He was immediately blinded by the lights in the room. As he flinched, she stirred in her sleep. But she didn't wake up. He stared at her, his vision blurry as tears pooled in his eyes. He was overcome with unconditional love towards his wife, his entire being alive with emotions only for his Cate.

"You're staring." Cate mumbled but didn't look up. But when she leisurely opened her eyes and looked at him underneath those long eyelashes, he fell in love with her again.

"I can't help it." He smiled softly.

"Liam. . ." He stopped her when he saw the pain in her eyes.

"I know." His admittance shocked her.


"I am sorry, my love." Liam lowered his head, avoiding eye contact with his wife. And she knew that her husband already knew about his condition.

About his cancer.

Cate continued to stare at him in disbelief. "I have known for some time now. I was coughing up blood one day and decided to get it checked." Liam closed his eyes in agony.

"For how long?" Cate's voice went cold.

Liam shifted uncomfortably in his hospital bed. "How long, Liam?"

"Four months."

Cate closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. "Why did you do it?" Liam looked at her, confused.

"Why did you lie to me when I asked you if you were feeling fine when you were coughing so much a month ago?" Liam pulled away his hands and looked away. Cate's heart broke into further pieces as she saw the shadow of a lonely tear roll down his cheek.

"Because I didn't want our lives to be over yet."

Liam faced his wife. Cupping her face between his hands, he let out a sad smile. "My love, there is a chance I may beat this thing but it's still cancer. It doesn't mean that I won't move heaven and hell to fight for my life, for a chance to live a little longer so that I can wake up next to you. I just wanted a little more time of normalcy with you before we accepted that I was being eaten alive."

Cate threw herself in his arms and started sobbing. And for the first time since the news about his condition, he did too.

She forgave his lie for she wanted him to live a lifetime within their numbered days together.

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