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Hello Dimples (Part Two)

To My Crush,

Do you remember the day you first met me or when your eyes first landed on me? I am sure you don't. You were just meeting a person that day. But for me, you were so much more. I had heard about you, and for the reasons close to me, I had decided to not like you. But the moment you approached me, my breath was knocked out of me. My anger and hateful feelings for you disappeared in a flash. There was a sudden change in the air. And, I felt something strange the moment my eyes met yours.

You were a good looking fellow, weren't you? I guess your looks immediately had an effect on me and took my breath away but even after I was no longer in your presence, you were in my mind and my heart for they were both running amuck for you. Just looking at you, I was unable to breathe properly. What was that that I felt? Was it just a crush, an infatuation? Were you my eye candy? Did your attractiveness seduce me towards you?

Or, was it love?

I held onto you for a very long time, even when I know you could never be mine and I could never be yours. And even now, I feel something in my chest and I turn my head away, shrugging my shoulders. Trying to shrug you away. But you never let me let you go, did you?

Whether you were just a crush or my first love, I know that I gave myself into an one-sided love and I deserve so much better than falling and waiting for someone, with no possibility of it becoming a reality, who never reciprocated the same feelings for me, or even showed a slightest interest in me.

"It's better to be loved and then lost, than never to be loved at all." That quote always hit me for I knew or felt what unrequited love meant and stood for. But clearly, you were not meant for me. You probably would have never been right for me and that's why the universe did what it did.

But I'm tried of turning my head away and shrugging at your memory. I am exhausted with the pauses that occur within me when I think about you. I liked you, and I loved you, yes.

But my heart is calling now. And, if you had known me at all, you would know, that I always listen to my heart. So, please let me go?

You were someone who felt like love and I knew how I felt when you were around me. And, I had taken my love for you too seriously, like loyalty. And I was loyal to you for many years and even now, I feel a pang within my chest.

But I also feel a longing, a need.

A crave.

To finally let you go. For my heart is ready to fall in love with someone again and this time, I know it would be worth every tear drop I may shed, every piece of my heart that may break.

Because this time, it would be a love that will drown me in utter love and passion, but will also set me free.

Someone who wants to let go of you,


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