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To My Beloved,

"My name is Emily, and I am going to be your server today." Those were your words in such a melodious voice. It was a gloomy day, just like my soul, and I had visited a quaint little café near my house for my last coffee. Yes, I was going to end my life that day.

Your bewitching green eyes drawing me right in, I no longer had reasons to die. Because I found one reason worth living for. Every day since then, I went to that café, replacing the blood in my body with coffee, falling hopelessly in love with a stranger, with you.

Hello, my name is Sam.

As I look at your face, my hand caressing the top of your head, I am painfully aware that you don't remember me, let alone the day we met for the first time. I know you will wake up at any moment, and forget everything, even yourself. And slowly, you will become a different person. A person you don't want to be, a person you loathe.

It's okay that you scream obscenities at me, it's okay that you want to hit me, to get rid of the hatred you endure every waking second. I can take it all, and I will. But it's not okay that you suffer and writhe in your own mind. That you want to claw a different version of yourself out. It's not okay that you're sick. It's not okay that you're dying. It's absolutely not okay that you want me to kill you.

Tomorrow is the day, I know.

And I know I promised you I would. I will, my love, I will keep my word. When have I ever denied you anything? But before I do, give me one more day with you? Let me hold your hand, and narrate the story of us.

Just for one day, let us be strangers again, and let's be in love.

Your husband,


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