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Glorious Abyss

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

She lifted her eyes from the book she was reading and let her gaze lock with her friend's. Kate tried to ignore her friend's eyes on her for a long time, but now it was bugging her.

"Will you stop staring at me, Jane!?" Kate asked, scoffing.

Jane remained silent for a mere sixty seconds but those fleeting moments felt like ages passing by for Kate. While a heavy silence loomed over them, Kate saw Jane's piercing blue eyes observing her, ever so leisurely, with an amazed expression resting on her face. Kate shrugged and went back to her book.

But all this time, Jane was deep in thought. While Kate tried to lose herself again within the pages of a fictional world, Jane took all the time in the world to see her friend for who she was.

'Kate,' Jane pondered to herself, 'my Kate. Oh, how she engulfs the entire world into that brilliant mind of hers and makes it her own! How her eyes sparkles with joy and abundance of care when she sees an animal! I love how she bites her lip and creases her brows in concentration whenever she is writing. It's so beautiful how she aches not for normalcy but a life full of excitement with a pinch of mystery. It's so fascinating how she craves for broken people for she doesn't wish to piece them together, but to love them for their scars.'



Jane smiled when Kate looked up from her book only after she finished the sentence she was reading. Cute, Jane thought. "Thank you."

"What for?" Kate asked, confused.

This is it, Jane reminded herself for the umpteenth time.

Jane took a deep breath. "For befriending a broken piece like me and piecing my lost puzzle with yours. For accepting my demons and treating them as your own." Jane grabbed Kate's hand in hers and went down on one knee.

Kate remained speechless while her jaw hung where Jane's knee rested.

"And for loving me more every day, even with my scars." Kate was lost into Jane's eyes, into the glorious abyss. "Will you let me love you more than a friend and be my girlfriend?"


Jane waited.

More silence.

And then, Kate let out a huge smile. "I thought you would never ask."

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