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From My Heart To Yours

To my dear friend J (and to everyone who has a friend like her; we are truly lucky),

Don't you think it's funny how it takes only one person to ruin you, to break you down and smother you to death? But luckily, it also takes only one person to come in our lives, to motivate us, to inspire us.

With the hope of surprising you again, I write a personal letter to you. Yes, it's a personal letter that I am willing to publish it with everyone, even though you're aware of the quirks I have regarding my privacy. However, I won't shy away from opening up to the world, if I have to, about how much you mean to me. And how your presence in my life have changed me for better. I was leading a simple, ordinary life, as I still am, and then you came along and filled colours of joy and entertainment in my life. I know we still share dull moments in our lives, but I am glad that I can share them with you. Together. Besides accepting my monotonous life and making it wonderful, you have motivated me to try new things. You have urged me to see the world with infinite rays of positivity than the bleak one I tend to see. But most importantly, my love, you have inspired me. Every time, I want to give up on life, my subconscious reminds me of you. And then I pick my broken pieces up and keep going on, albeit not with a smile (like you do so gracefully). You inspire me to write better, to try new things, things I never would have if it wasn't for you and you inspire me to want to be a better person and a better friend to you.

So, my lovely friend, and also to those who are angels in diguise in everyone's life, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Yours truly,


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