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Free At Last

The Father: at the age of six, she had more scars in her soul than on her body. The protector became her worst nightmare.

The Mother: at the age of eight, she stood by the door, watching her mother pack a suitcase. Grabbing her hand, they walked over the dead body and the pool of blood, and never looked back.

The Boy: at the age of ten, she met a cute boy. Who tried everything to make her laugh. And the day he succeeded, they became best friends.

The Dog: at the age of twelve, a small present was waiting for her when she got home from school. A present from her mother, a present she has loved and adored with all her heart.

The Teacher: at the age of fourteen, she was ushered into her teacher's office and travelled through time to when she was six. Same touch, same scars but different hands.

The Therapist: at the age of sixteen, she met someone who was nice to her, who understood her. But the woman was only doing her job; the shrink didn't know her.

The Girl: at the age of eighteen, she met her. Katherine Graham. The only girl who made her comfortable, who truly empathised with her pain and suffering, who embraced her for who she was- with her darkness and all. The girl who broke her heart when she chose a boy over her. The girl with whom she fell in love.

The Mirror: as she stood in front of the reflecting surface, staring at the horrors that laid deep in her soul, for the first time in forever, a tear rolled down her cheek. The mirror revealing the truth about her and her past, once that lonely little tear left her eyes, she couldn't stop anymore.

The Prison: the month before her nineteenth birthday, she sat across from her mother. One last time.

The Letter:

My only mistake was to accept the second ice-cream,

giving the beast the opportunity to make me scream.

The hand that should guide,

left me mortified.

She couldn't stop him from destroying my soul,

But she went to prison for me, my ma.

Liam was the first boy I cared for,

My best friend I trust and adore.

The Professor was gross and his touch gaudy,

Justified his manliness by treating me awfully.

With my empty soul and unfeeling heart,

I laid there, numb, as he ripped my dignity apart.

Mum left me with the best present ever,

My dog and I were meant to love each other forever.

And then she came along, my Katherine,

Making me loving and flattering.

I felt something, maybe it was love?

But unlike my past, it didn't last.

Now, I need to go away, to stop the pain,

And free myself from the mundane.

I am sorry, Mum, but I can't.

Not anymore.

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