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"How are you today, Justin?"

Dr. Montgomery's soft voice wrapped him into a soothing embrace.

"I am doing good, Doctor." He let out a crooked smile. "How are you?"

Dr. Aria Montgomery let out a smile, acknowledging his charms but also letting him know that they couldn't fraternize. She had made that clear the very first time he sat before her, scrapping his nails on her leather chair, trying to calm his mind.

"I am good. Thank you for asking."

He continued to look at her, to imagine how her fingers would look on the wall, separate from the others because she was special. How he couldn't wait to run the cold instrument down her face, caressing it tenderly, before peeling it off. To quench his thirst by staring at her blood pool below her, before flowing away like a river.

"How are you dealing with your dark thoughts, Justin?"

He stayed quiet.

"And, the urges?"

His eyes ran down to her plump lips covered with a thick layer of blood red lipstick. He twitched in his chair, while she gulped hard.

"I am doing well, doctor."

She nodded. "Did you remember to write about your dreams and bring it today?"

"Yes, I did."

"Would you mind if I read it?"

He clutched his notebook against his chest, tight. "Is it okay if I read it to you?"

"Of course!" She exclaimed enthusiastically.

He cleared his throat. "Dreams are quite funny, aren't they? They break your heart when they don't come true, and they keep you awake, rotting your soul and making you anxious for making them come true."

Aria stayed silent.

"Unlike other people, my dream is not to become something. Or, to do something with my life. Because I am already someone and I know what I am doing with my life. I follow my passion, and it never disappoints me."

She encouraged him to continue reading.

"The only dream I have is to let the person I like know about my feelings. About the things I want to do, hoping she would never judge me.

I am sorry, I didn't write more."

"Don't apologize. Are you satisfied with what you wrote?"

He nodded.

"Tell me about your feelings, Justin."

He looked dead in her eyes and started talking. "I like how my name rolls off of your tongue. I feel good whenever I come here, to talk to you. I feel sad when I have to say goodbye to you."

She drew in a deep breath.

"Is the person you like is me, Justin?"


Little by little, he inched closer to her. She knew what she had to do.

She pulled a gun out of her concealed lap and shot him right where his heart beat.

She knew what she had to do, she had to kill his dreams.

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