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Bettlejuice Effect?

Let me call you darkness, shall I?

You always did have the habit of lurking around, didn’t you? Always trying to pop up; any time when you saw a window into my soul, you tried to knock me down. Why didn’t you warn me about your strength? I know I trusted the wrong person; I invested my time where I shouldn’t have. I gave my heart to people who weren’t deserving or who didn’t know how to love me back. I know what I did, but why did you have to punish me so? Why was your aura so demanding, so magnetic that I couldn’t resist getting consumed by you?

I want to see the light again, even when you lie so comfortably within me. I don’t want you to leave me completely, for you have always been there with me, teaching me the hard truths of life. Teaching me that it’s close to impossible to survive when you have a sensitive heart. But won’t you let me go just a little? Won’t you share me with someone who will love me more than I hate myself? Won’t you, for once, let me live my life the way I want to, the way I am meant to?

It’s like the movie Beetlejuice, isn’t it?

I shouted your real name too many times, and I finally unleashed you, didn’t I? And now all you want is to devour me whole in you. The word darkness is finally replaced by you, and you knew exactly how to scare me. But you also have a competition, and I think you know. It’s fighting with you, day and night. And, it is determined to come to peace with you, if not win. So, why don’t you let Hope reside peacefully within me, right by your side? Maybe once you share me with her, I will finally be able to let love soar through me because she has been denied and cast away for a long time now.

Let them fly high into the sky, and I promise you they will come visit you once in a while. I give you my word that you won’t be forgotten. Won’t you do this for me?

Won’t you just let me go a little?

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