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A Challenge

Lucifer: it's time.

Damned Soul: What, already?

Lucifer: First of all, speak to your master with respect.

Lucifer: Second of all, yes, my child, it's time for your soul to come with me to the nether region.

Damned Soul: I am sorry, Lucifer. Please accept my sincere apologies.

____________________ Lucifer simply nods with a smirk on his face. _______________________

Damned Soul: I just thought . . . .

Lucifer: Speak up, child.

Damned Soul: I just thought I had more time in my hands to enjoy my life. You did promise me immortality, didn't you, master?

_____________________ The devil let out a sly smile. ____________________________________

_________________ And that poor soul knew that he was deceived. _______________________

_______ Before he could speak again, Lucifer smiled wider and snapped ___________________ his fingers.

__________________ Another sinner added to His collection. ____________________________

Lucifer: Poor soul, only if he was more fun.

_______________________ Lucifer turned to one of his demons __________________________

Lucifer: Let's go. On to the next soul.

________ Lucifer looked at a beautiful woman who made everyone happy, but _______________ her inner desire remained hidden from everyone.

_________________ Lucifer let out a trusting smile towards Debra. _______________________

____________________ Debra looked at Lucifer, with a chuckle. __________________________

Debra: No, thank you!

_________________________ Lucifer looked at her, amazed. ____________________________

Lucifer: Finally a challenge.

_________ Lucifer muttered to himself and rubbed his hands as his red ____________________ horns quivered in excitement.

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