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A Bloody Fool

I followed my gaze to the steaming cup of hot chocolate, teasingly whispering my name. My eyes also landed on the novel that rested on my lap. It was a thriller mystery; a heinous crime had been committed right off the bat, capturing readers' immediate attention, forcing the criminal to be on the lam, the protagonist of the book.

Will Detective Ron be able to catch the criminal? Or, will the criminal outsmart everyone, once and for all? And will the mystery ever be solved? Exciting questions lured me in to find the answers in the book, but tonight I didn't feel like reading about crime, about how the mind of the protagonist, someone who is so sweet and drop-dead gorgeous, had driven him to do what he did. Or, if I was just reading about a charming psychopath.

No, I wasn't in the mood for all that.

Because tonight, my heart and my soul belonged to the shimmering halo that hung in the sky.

The Moon.

In a beautiful, starry night, the moon looked so lonely, so lost. I raised the cup to my lips and let the heavenly warmth trickle down my throat. I placed my book on the coffee table and wrapping myself with a thin blanket, my eyes stayed on the moon.

There was something about the moon that always allured me. Drew me in everytime I laid my eyes on her. It could be the moon's beauty that I find magical, or her loneliness even while surrounded by a blanket of stars or it could be the peace that she brought to my soul. It was the enigma of the moon that made my heart beat a little faster, and brought a sad smile on my face every time I glanced at her.

But deep down, I knew why I felt a connection with the moon.

I tapped my phone to check the time. In half an hour, the sun was going to make his appearance and very slowly, the moon will take her leave. A small smile leisurely made it's way onto my lips, heat rising upto my cheeks. This happened every time I thought about the sun and the moon.

Thinking about the sun and the moon, something inside me would stir, a feeling so familiar yet unknown would cast on my soul. It could be the romantic in me, but I truly believed that a love, so extraordinary and heart wrenchingly sad, existed between them.

The day when the sun and the moon, after beating all odds, finally came together to embrace each other was a month away. The sun was going to appear any minute now, but the moon didn't waver. As if, she was standing her ground, no matter what.

But their love was a difficult one. At first, the moon thought that her love was unrequited, but last time when they met, the sun held onto her in a way that it simply took her breath away. He gently caressed the light frekles on her face, making her shine brightly. And the way the moon looked at the sun, with such longing and a heart breaking love, the sun smiled brightly.

Today, I wasn't interested in crime novels. I even pushed away the hot chocolate, unfinished and cold. Today, I witnessed beauty, the pain of longing and heartbreak, and the power of unconditional love.

As I stared at the sun slowly ascend it's way up to the sky, I imagined him glancing up at his beloved, his queen. I almost saw her blush at his bright intensity, his zealous nature, melting her at his feet. But my brain knew I was kidding myself. The sun and the moon? No, never.

But my heart? Oh, it was a fool in love, and in agony.

So, when the moon said it's goodbye to the sun, I sat there with tears rolling heavily down my cheeks. I knew why I felt a connection with the moon, and why I softened every time I saw the sun and the moon.

It was because I was in love too.

With a person who could never truly be mine.

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